Canadian Naturals Red Meat Senior
Canadian Naturals Red Meat Senior is a wholesome dog food designed for your furry friend’s health. Made in Abbotsford, BC, this grain-free recipe features high meat content, including pork and lamb meal, which helps enhance your dog's immune system and promotes a healthy skin and coat. It also includes a variety of legumes, fruits, and vegetables like peas, potatoes, and blueberries, ensuring a balanced diet.
This dog food is not only grain and GMO free, but it also contains essential nutrients. Each cup provides a minimum of 23% protein and 13% fat, along with omega fatty acids and glucosamine for joint health. The guaranteed analysis shows that it has 3693 kcal per kg, making it a nutritious choice for your senior dog.
Feeding guidelines are easy to follow, with recommended amounts based on your dog's weight. Sizes available include 5 lb, 11 lb, and 24 lb bags, so you can choose the right amount for your pet. With over 50 years of experience, Canadian Naturals is a family-owned company that prioritizes quality and health in pet food.
Is this product made in Canada?
Yes, Canadian Naturals Red Meat Senior is made in Canada